Essential Japanese Phrases for Solo Travelers
Japanese is a fascinating and culturally rich language, essential for travelers exploring Japan's vibrant cities, tranquil countryside, and historic landmarks. This guide provides essential phrases to help solo travelers navigate transportation, accommodation, dining, and more. Learn key expressions, pronunciation, and cultural insights to enhance your journey.
Basics: Greetings and Pleasantries
- Hello: こんにちは (kon-nee-chee-wah)
- Goodbye: さようなら (sah-yoh-nah-rah)
- Please: お願いします (oh-neh-guy-shee-mas)
- Thank you: ありがとう (ah-ree-gah-toh)
- You're welcome: どういたしまして (doh-oh ee-tah-shee-mah-she-teh)
- Excuse me: すみません (soo-mee-mah-sen)
- Yes / No: はい / いいえ (hai / ee-eh)
Transportation: Directions, Taxis, Buses, etc.
- Where is the bus station?: バス停はどこですか? (basu-tei wa doh-koh dehs-ka?)
- How much is a taxi to [location]?: [location]までタクシーはいくらですか? ([location] mah-deh tak-shee wah ee-koo-rah dehs-ka?)
- I want to go to the airport: 空港に行きたいです (koo-koh nee ee-kee-tai dehs).
- What time does the train leave?: 電車は何時に出発しますか? (den-sha wah nan-jee nee shoo-pah-tsu shee-mas-ka?)
- Is this the right bus to [location]?: このバスは[location]に行きますか? (koh-noh bah-soo wah [location] nee ee-kee-mas-ka?)
Accommodation: Hotel Check-in/Check-out, Room Service
- I have a reservation: 予約があります (yo-yah-koo gah ah-ree-mas).
- Do you have a room available?: 空いている部屋はありますか? (ah-ee-teh-ee-roo he-yah wah ah-ree-mas-ka?)
- What is the Wi-Fi password?: Wi-Fiのパスワードは何ですか? (Wi-Fi no pah-soo-wah-doh wah nan dehs-ka?)
- I need extra towels: 追加のタオルをお願いします (tsui-kah no tah-oh-roo oh neh-guy-shee-mas).
- Can I check out late?: レイトチェックアウトはできますか? (reh-ee-toh chek-ku ah-oh-toh wah deh-kee-mas-ka?)
Dining: Ordering Food, Allergies, Compliments
- Can I see the menu, please?: メニューを見せてください (meh-nyoo oh mee-seh-teh koo-dah-sai).
- I am allergic to [item]: 私は[item]にアレルギーがあります (wah-tah-shee wah [item] nee ah-reh-roo-gee gah ah-ree-mas).
- Can I have [dish] without [ingredient]?: [dish]を[ingredient]抜きでお願いします ([dish] oh [ingredient] noo-kee deh oh neh-guy-shee-mas).
- The food is delicious: 食べ物は美味しいです (tah-beh-moh-no wah oh-ee-shee dehs).
- Can I have the bill, please?: お会計をお願いします (oh kai-kai oh neh-guy-shee-mas).
Emergencies: Medical Help, Lost Belongings
- Help!: 助けて! (tah-soo-keh-teh!)
- I need a doctor: 医者が必要です (ee-shah gah hee-tsoo-yoh dehs).
- Call the police: 警察を呼んでください (kay-sah-tsu oh yohn-deh koo-dah-sai).
- I’ve lost my passport: パスポートをなくしました (pahs-poh-toh oh nah-koo-shee-mah-shee-tah).
- Where is the nearest hospital?: 一番近い病院はどこですか? (ee-chee-bahn chee-kai byoh-een wah doh-koh dehs-ka?)
Shopping: Prices, Bargaining
- How much does this cost?: これはいくらですか? (koh-reh wah ee-koo-rah dehs-ka?)
- Can you lower the price?: 値下げできますか? (neh-sah-geh deh-kee-mas-ka?)
- Do you accept credit cards?: クレジットカードは使えますか? (koo-reh-jee-toh kah-doh wah tsu-kah-eh-mas-ka?)
- I’m just looking: 見ているだけです (mee-teh ee-roo dah-keh dehs).
- Where can I buy [item]?: [item]はどこで買えますか? ([item] wah doh-koh deh kah-eh-mas-ka?)
Social Interactions: Small Talk, Making Friends
- What is your name?: お名前は何ですか? (oh nah-mah-eh wah nan dehs-ka?)
- My name is [Name]: 私の名前は[Name]です (wah-tah-shee no nah-mah-eh wah [Name] dehs).
- Where are you from?: どちらから来ましたか? (doh-chee-rah kah-rah kee-mah-shee-tah ka?)
- I’m from [country]: 私は[country]から来ました (wah-tah-shee wah [country] kah-rah kee-mah-shee-tah).
- Nice to meet you: 初めまして (hah-jee-meh-mah-shee-teh).
Extra: Technology and Internet
- Do you have Wi-Fi?: Wi-Fiはありますか? (Wi-Fi wah ah-ree-mas-ka?)
- What’s the Wi-Fi password?: Wi-Fiのパスワードは何ですか? (Wi-Fi no pah-soo-wah-doh wah nan dehs-ka?)
- Can I charge my phone here?: ここで携帯を充電できますか? (koh-koh deh kei-tai oh joo-den deh-kee-mas-ka?)
Extra: Local Customs
- How do I say [word] in Japanese?: [word]は日本語で何と言いますか? ([word] wah nee-hon-go deh nan toh ee-mas-ka?)
- Can you write that down?: 書いてください (kai-teh koo-dah-sai).
- I don’t understand: 分かりません (wah-kah-ree-mah-sen).
- Can you speak more slowly?: ゆっくり話してください (yoo-koo-ree hah-nah-shee-teh koo-dah-sai)