Essential Italian Phrases for Solo Travelers
Italian is a beautiful and melodic language, essential for travelers exploring Italy's historic cities, countryside, and coastal regions. This guide provides key phrases to help solo travelers navigate transportation, accommodation, dining, and more. Learn essential expressions, pronunciation, and cultural insights to enhance your journey.
Basics: Greetings and Pleasantries
- Hello: Ciao (chow) / Buongiorno (bwohn-JOHR-noh)
- Goodbye: Arrivederci (ahr-ree-veh-DEHR-chee)
- Please: Per favore (pehr fah-VOH-reh)
- Thank you: Grazie (GRAHT-syeh)
- You're welcome: Prego (PREH-goh)
- Excuse me: Mi scusi (mee SKOO-zee)
- Yes / No: Sì / No (see / noh)
Transportation: Directions, Taxis, Buses, etc.
- Where is the bus station?: Dov'è la stazione degli autobus? (doh-VEH lah stah-TSYOH-neh deh-lyee OW-too-boos?)
- How much is a taxi to [location]?: Quanto costa un taxi per [destination]? (KWAHN-toh KOH-stah oon TAK-see pehr [destination]?)
- I want to go to the airport: Voglio andare all'aeroporto (VOH-lyoh ahn-DAH-reh ahl lah-eh-roh-POHR-toh).
- What time does the train leave?: A che ora parte il treno? (ah keh OH-rah PAHR-teh eel TREH-noh?)
- Is this the right bus to [location]?: È questo l'autobus per [location]? (eh KWEH-stoh L'OW-too-boos pehr [location]?)
Accommodation: Hotel Check-in/Check-out, Room Service
- I have a reservation: Ho una prenotazione (oh OO-nah preh-noh-tah-TSYOH-neh).
- Do you have a room available?: Avete una camera disponibile? (ah-VEH-teh OO-nah KAH-meh-rah dee-spoh-nee-BEE-leh?)
- What is the Wi-Fi password?: Qual è la password del Wi-Fi? (kwahl eh lah PAHS-wohrd del WEE-FEE?)
- I need extra towels: Ho bisogno di asciugamani extra (oh bee-ZOH-nyoh dee ah-shoo-gah-MAH-nee EKS-trah).
- Can I check out late?: Posso fare il check-out più tardi? (POH-soh FAH-reh eel chek-owt pyoo TAR-dee?)
Dining: Ordering Food, Allergies, Compliments
- Can I see the menu, please?: Posso vedere il menù, per favore? (POH-soh veh-DEH-reh eel meh-NOO, pehr fah-VOH-reh?)
- I am allergic to [item]: Sono allergico/a a [item] (SOH-noh ahl-LEHR-jee-koh/kah ah [item]).
- Can I have [dish] without [ingredient]?: Posso avere [dish] senza [ingredient]? (POH-soh ah-VEH-reh [dish] SEHN-tsah [ingredient]?)
- The food is delicious: Il cibo è delizioso (eel CHEE-boh eh deh-lee-TSYOH-zoh).
- Can I have the bill, please?: Il conto, per favore (eel KON-toh, pehr fah-VOH-reh).
Emergencies: Medical Help, Lost Belongings
- Help!: Aiuto! (ah-YOO-toh!)
- I need a doctor: Ho bisogno di un medico (oh bee-ZOH-nyoh dee oon MEH-dee-koh).
- Call the police: Chiami la polizia (KYAH-mee lah poh-lee-TSYAH).
- I’ve lost my passport: Ho perso il mio passaporto (oh PEHR-soh eel mee-oh pahs-sah-POHR-toh).
- Where is the nearest hospital?: Dov'è l'ospedale più vicino? (doh-VEH loh-speh-DAH-leh pyoo vee-CHEE-noh?)
Shopping: Prices, Bargaining
- How much does this cost?: Quanto costa? (KWAHN-toh KOH-stah?)
- Can you lower the price?: Può abbassare il prezzo? (pwoh ahb-bah-SAH-reh eel PRET-soh?)
- Do you accept credit cards?: Accettate carte di credito? (ah-cheh-TAH-teh KAR-teh dee KREH-dee-toh?)
- I’m just looking: Sto solo guardando (stoh SOH-loh gwahr-DAHN-doh).
- Where can I buy [item]?: Dove posso comprare [item]? (DOH-veh POH-soh kohm-PRAH-reh [item]?)
Social Interactions: Small Talk, Making Friends
- What is your name?: Come si chiama? (KOH-meh see KYAH-mah?)
- My name is [Name]: Mi chiamo [Name] (mee KYAH-moh [Name]).
- Where are you from?: Di dove è? (dee DOH-veh eh?)
- I’m from [country]: Sono di [country] (SOH-noh dee [country]).
- Nice to meet you: Piacere (pyah-CHEH-reh).
Extra: Technology and Internet
- Do you have Wi-Fi?: Avete il Wi-Fi? (ah-VEH-teh eel WEE-FEE?)
- What’s the Wi-Fi password?: Qual è la password del Wi-Fi? (kwahl eh lah PAHS-wohrd del WEE-FEE?)
- Can I charge my phone here?: Posso caricare il mio telefono qui? (POH-soh kah-ree-KAH-reh eel mee-oh teh-LEH-foh-noh kwee?)
Extra: Local Customs
- How do I say [word] in Italian?: Come si dice [word] in italiano? (KOH-meh see DEE-cheh [word] een ee-tah-LYAH-noh?)
- Can you write that down?: Può scriverlo? (pwoh SKREE-vehr-loh?)
- I don’t understand: Non capisco (nohn kah-PEES-koh).
- Can you speak more slowly?: Può parlare più lentamente? (pwoh pahr-LAH-reh pyoo lehn-tah-MEN-teh?)